Module 5 Transcript

[MODULE 5—Preparing VetPen for use]

Voiceover: Welcome to module 5 of the Caninsulin VetPen training course. In this module, we will demonstrate how to prepare VetPen for use.

(visual: VetPen)
(superimposed logo)Caninsulin® VetPen®
(superimposed copy)Caninsulin® VetPen® Training
Module 5: Preparing VetPen for use
Voiceover: Taking the proper steps to prepare the VetPen is critically important and must be done before each injection. As with human insulin pens, this process is an essential test to ensure that the VetPen is ready to use. This helps ensure: A new needle is being used The insulin is mixed properly The VetPen and needle are working properly (on-screen text)VetPen® must be properly prepared before each injection to ensure it is ready for use 
Voiceover: To begin preparing the VetPen for use, take a new needle and peel off the protective film. Screw the needle onto VetPen. And remove the outer protective needle cap from the needle.
A new needle should always be used for each injection for hygiene and safety reasons. Also, a used needle could be blunt or bent, which may cause discomfort.
(superimposed copy)Priming VetPen®
(video—demonstration: 1. Screw on needle; 2. Remove needle cap)
Voiceover: Replace the VetPen cap to cover the needle. Now, mix the insulin by turning VetPen up and down at least ten times.
(video—demonstration: turning pen up and down)
Voiceover: Dial 1 unit on the dose selector. Then, remove the VetPen cap and the inner protective needle cap. 
(video—demonstration: 1. Dialing 1 unit; 2. Remove pen cap and inner needle cap [not pictured])
Voiceover: Holding the VetPen vertically upward, push and hold the release button towards the needle until the arrow on the pen body points to the start line on the dose selector.
If air has been properly removed from the cartridge, insulin should drip actively or squirt out of the needle. The VetPen is now ready for use. 
(video—demonstration: Push and hold release button until arrow points to start line)

Voiceover: That concludes module 5 of the Caninsulin VetPen training course. You now know how to prepare the VetPen for use.
You can now continue on to module 6, which will show you how to select a dose and inject a pet with VetPen. 
(visuals: lifestyle photos for VetPen library)
(on-screen text)Continue to Module 6: Dosing and injection
(superimposed logo)Caninsulin® VetPen®
Music fades(superimposed logo)MSD Animal Health
(superimposed copy)Copyright © 2013 Intervet International B.V., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc. All rights reserved.