orange cat signs of diabetes


The clinical signs of cat diabetes are a result of higher than normal blood glucose

High blood glucose concentrations overwhelm the kidneys’ capacity to handle glucose and lead to spillover of glucose into the urine. This draws large quantities of water into the bladder which in turn causes diabetics to void large volumes of urine. Thirst increases to compensate for this water loss meaning that diabetic cats will drink more than normal.

Glucose, an important fuel (energy source), is being lost from the body. So, diabetic cats may be hungry or even eat more than normal but lose weight. However, diabetic cats that are not feeling well may eat less than usual. Increase in appetite is not a consistent sign of diabetes in cats – but it is a common sign of hyperthyroidism, another condition that commonly affects older cats.

If any of these signs apply to your cat, make an appointment to discuss this with your veterinarian. cat Urine icon
Passes large amounts of urine and/or urinates frequently (Polyuria) cat water bowl icon
Thirsty and/or drinks a lot (Polydipsia) cat food icon
Increased or decreased appetite weight loss icon
Weight loss cat icon
Dull or dry coat cat sleeping icon
Tired, lethargic and/or depressed

Think your cat has diabetes?

Talk to your vet