

The long-term complications of diabetes are a result of prolonged high blood glucose (hyperglycemia). The good news is that diabetic cats develop fewer long-term complications than their human counterparts. Peripheral neuropathy complication of feline diabetes
Image courtesy of Professor S Daminet

Neuropathy is a complication of feline diabetes and leads to weak back legs. Neuropathy results from the binding of sugar breakdown products to proteins in the nerves, leading to abnormal function. Other causes of weak back legs in cats include arthritis. Neuropathy due to diabetes in cats may improve with additional care and attention.

Signs include difficulty jumping, wobbly back legs or “dropped ankles” cat laying on the floor

The presence of another disease or infection (such as infection and/or inflammation (gingivitis) or the gums) may make diabetes more difficult to manage. It is important that diabetics that suddenly have a recurrence or worsening of signs be checked for infections and other diseases. Signs that your cat may not be doing well or is not feeling well include poor grooming and dry, dull or lusterless coat.

Contact your veterinarian promptly if you are worried or notice any changes in your diabetic cat

Think your cat has diabetes?

Talk to your vet